PPD PPD Italia Srl, headquartered in Milan, is a member of PPD Group, an European energy trader and wholesaler. PPD companies operating in Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, the Netherlands are owned by PPD Global, headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland.
Who we are We are a young, trained and highly motivated team focused on finding simple, yet efficient solutions. Our international experience and strong background, combined with our presence in SEE region are a unique combination in the energy markets.
Goodcompany Good Company is a place where we share our stories that we are proud of. It is a place where people and business grow together. goodcompany.hr
We invest in the future Novo Sutra (The New Tomorrow) Foundation is PPD’s non-profit organisation devoted to making our society more successful, more educated, and more humane.
We care about the environment Preserving the environment is high on the list of priorities for our group, while flexibility and active investment into the community represents one of the fundamental principles guiding us in our operations.
Press Winners selected in the “Save energy, energy is precious!” 15.06.2021. Press PPD’s 20th Anniversary 15.05.2021.
Our strength We at PPD Group believe that the success of a company rests firmly on its employees, their approach to work and their satisfaction with their work environment.